“Greg, thank you for this; it’s brought back some memories. Sister Paulette teaching us French and Sister Lucia with her temper. I remember someone putting a couple of grasshoppers in Sister Margaret’s desk drawer. When she opened it and they jumped out, she put her head down and I think cried. “- C Vineroski
“Mrs. Murphy grade 2 was sweet, kind and an angel after having either sister Madonna or Marilyn. First grade was a nightmare because room 1 teacher was so mean! An example of how scared all of us were of this tiny nun who smacked your knuckles with a ruler. Would be the day my future brother in law John, ( who knew) waiter for sister to walk out of the room, then he climbed out the window and walked home. He was done with the torture.” – B. Fortunato
“Becky Fortunato Brenfleck” I think we had sister Marie Celine in that room. I do remember getting my knuckles cracked with the ruler once, but my mother had gone to Catholic School and had prepared me for that lol. I had found a garter snake in a window well at our house. Sister gave me permission to bring it in to school and put it into the aquarium that was in the classroom. I forgot to take it home at the end of the school year lol. I didn’t have Mrs Murphy in second grade, but I remember her. She was tall, and had a limp. I do remember her being very nice. Greg thanks for the names and bringing back that memory, haha – F. Gambino
“Mrs Rybar was my second grade teacher. She had told us that her husband has been killed during the second World War. 30 years later, I was driving east on Penn Avenue, just as it leaves the strip District and starts up the hill. There was a bar on the right named Rybar’s. I couldn’t resist. Going inside, I told the bartender my story. He said but Mrs Rybar’s husband had been his brother. Anyone that would like to hear the ‘rest of the story’ can ask for it at the reunion lol” – F. Gambino
“…another story. Sr. Paulette was having us practice for doing our 1st confession. We would all go up to her & kneel. “Bless me Father for I have sinned”…Then we would just make up stuff. I lied 5 times, I disobeyed my parents 3 times, etc. Eddy Larkin gets up & says, “I murdered someone 8 times”. Not kidding. He ate alone after that.” – J. Montgomery